Ariton Zanev

Ariton Zanev

Helping companies boost productivity 🚀
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Ariton Zanev
By offering a solution for tracking and automation of existing task management platforms, Task ‘N Go is helping organizations within the IT and service industry increase productivity by enriching legacy projects and task management tools. 
Task 'N Go
Task 'N Go
Elevate your Microsoft Azure DevOps experience
Ariton Zanev
Ariton Zanev
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Congratulations on your launch!    Me and my team are also launching at the end of this week! Cheers to successful stories!
Morning, folks! Any exciting launches happening this week? Let's come together & show some support 🤝
Vaishali Rastogi
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Ariton Zanev
Ariton Zanev
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How do you strive for greater efficiency in your operations?

Do you have any specific strategies or habits that have helped you become more effective over time? Share them in the comments!
Ariton Zanev
Ariton Zanev
started a discussion

Mastering the Art of Productivity – How do you maintain a timely and efficient workflow?

Have you ever been in a situation where you and your team failed to meet a project deadline? I certainly have! This is a common situation within the corporate world. Setbacks are an inherent part of project management, and what matters is how you navigate through them. Drop your secrets in the comments!