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  • Wrangle Business Process Management

    Wrangle Business Process Management

    Fix broken processes: map, automate, & track your workflow.
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    What do people think of Wrangle Business Process Management?

    The community submitted 13 reviews to tell us what they like about Wrangle Business Process Management, what Wrangle Business Process Management can do better, and more.
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    13 Reviews
    Dylan Hulser
    VP Customer Success, Kevel, Prev: reddit
    4 reviews
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    I have only just scratched the surface of what is possible with Wrangle, and it's been fantastic so far. I absolutely loathe added processes, especially ones that take you out of context in what you're working on, but as we have gone from 10-65+ employees, and a solutions team of 1 to a team of 5, its been important to formalize some of our internal processes to not lose anything in the cracks. Having everything in slack, where we are already working, and being able to push data into other places for tracking and reporting has been immensely helpful.
    Michael Muse
    2 reviews
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    Love this product! It is a godsend to Ops leaders who feel like work is getting lost in the 'noise' of Slack. As a consultant, I find it a really easy recommendation to my clients and they've had a lot of success using it. Definitely give it a shot!
    Max Leisten
    Head Of Product, Netsertive
    1 review
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    Love Wrangle. As a remote team it's awesome to see the engagement on Slack (especially the GIFs), but we needed a bit more structure to make sure nothing gets dropped. Nice job @adambsmith
    Meredith Shaw
    Raleigh-based people professional
    1 review
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    Wrangle has done so much to streamline our processes. Using the workflows makes communication and clarity so much easier in our hiring process. With Wrangle, we can keep the team up to date on internal processes, and eliminate questions along the way. I really love the built-in approvals and the easy-to-understand interface within slack. So much is done in Slack, but it can get lost so easily. Wrangle delivers on its name and keeps things organized.
    Lindsay Rivera
    1 review
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    The Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) team has been using Wrangle for a couple months now, and we can't say enough great things about it. With Wrangle, we've been able to easily automate processes related to finance, HR and customer success. Instead of spending valuable time chasing each other down for information, Wrangle does the work for us, notifying the correct team member in the correct order of when tasks need to be done. Not to mention it integrates directly into Slack which is our team's primary communication tool. Wrangle has streamlined and improved important processes for CED and we're just getting started!
    Miranda Jackson
    Discover Great Products & Companies
    6 reviews
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    Mapping of processes is key to every organization's success! Great product guys :)
    Thomas Newman
    Listings Associate at AvantStay
    1 review
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    Wrangle has allowed our team to streamline our workflow, allowing for greater accountability, visibility, and communication! Thank you Adam!
    Merlin Laffitte
    Maker - Tabby, Focus on what matters
    13 reviews
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    Nicholas Napp
    1 review
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    Dick Smith
    1 review
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