Weather in your Calendar

Get the local weather forecast with icons in your calendar
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What do people think of Weather in your Calendar?

The community submitted 38 reviews to tell us what they like about Weather in your Calendar, what Weather in your Calendar can do better, and more.
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4.6/5All time (32 reviews)
Recently (6 reviews)

38 Reviews
Ben Mannell
1 review
Great add-on for any calendar

Jeff Reese
1 review
Awesome work! Thanks for doing it!

Luke Barrett
Working @ Middleware (YC W23)
2 reviews
Super easy install with Gcal. Nice to be able to see extreme temps while also looking at my schedule.

Mark Norviel
A retired IT manager.
1 review
Easy to install. Easy to use. Great visual. Just what I needed for planning my outdoor work schedule managing a youth camp.

Paul van den Dool
1 review
This is great! I always start my day by checking my calendar and having the weather forecast a part of that is a nice add-on. It's really easy to set up. I imported it in Google Calendars and it seems to just work.

Sarah Schopick
27. Private tutor. Perpetual student.
1 review
I love the ease of this and I love that it adds weather back to my google calendar so I can easily see the weather in the same place I see my agenda. One thing I do wish for is that it didn't delete previous weather data. I like being able to see the weather on top of past days too. It's satisfying.

Jackson Mooring
1 review
This product is great! All except for one issue: I live in a city with a common name, so in my calendar, I am getting the weather for the other city with that name. There is no way to change this or to enter the city id to get the correct city. Other than that, the product is everything I could wish for.

This is a great idea and very well done. I have it on a reminder the night before to tell me what the weather's going to be the next day as I always forget and it's very comprehensive and a great idea well executed.

Would be really nice to have an option to select language. Otherwise, really great app.

Evan Axon
Evan Axon
Programmer, Content Creator and streamer
1 review
Easy to use and always working.