
The user story mapping tool
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What is StoriesOnBoard?
User Story Mapping tool for agile product management. Real-time, two-way Trello, JIRA, GitHub, Azure DevOps, Pivotal Tracker integrations, and many more. Start your 14-day free trial today!
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Recent launches

StoriesOnBoard AI User Story Generator
AI is a game changer, so why don’t you start your project with AI assistance? Save time and effort by building a backlog in seconds. Generate user stories, and acceptance criteria, and write release summaries with StoriesOnBoard’s new and powerful AI feature.
StoriesOnBoard AI User Story Generator image
StoriesOnBoard Feedback Management
StoriesOnBoard Feedback Management gathers product feedback from customers, users & your team into a single repository and organizes them for you based on rules you create.
StoriesOnBoard Feedback Management image
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