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  • Stoa

    Stoic meditation and journal
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    The community submitted 11 reviews to tell us what they like about Stoa, what Stoa can do better, and more.
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    11 Reviews
    Lydia Sugarman
    33 reviews
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    Review of Stoa
    I've been using another app for Stoic meditations for the last month and it's made a huge difference, but STOA goes much further with in-depth audio meditations that make you take time to really focus and absorb the lesson. Kudos on a great app!
    Ethan Barhydt
    1 review
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    Review of Stoa
    Just downloaded this morning and am definitely switching to this over some of the other apps. Great content for lots of different parts of my life (e.g. morning routine) and combines journaling+meditations, including journal prompts, which makes a ton of sense. Really excited to dig in deep on this.
    Caylon Vielehr
    1 review
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    Review of Stoa
    I love this app and use it regularly when I need some calming words to help me understand the state of things. I use it to find peace and remind myself that whatever will be will be. 👍
    1 review
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    Review of Stoa
    Really great content and UI. The content provided by Stoa feels really different from that of other meditation apps and is a big selling point for me!
    Austin Wilson
    I'm feeling well
    1 review
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    Review of Stoa
    The meditations are high quality, easy to follow, and contain stoic wisdom that can be readily applied to daily life.
    Peter Brietbart
    CEO of Mind Ease
    2 reviews
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    Review of Stoa
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    Review of Stoa
    Elaine Lin
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    Review of Stoa
    Josh Tabak
    1 review
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    Review of Stoa
    Adam Foosaner
    CTO and Co-Founder at Whistle
    1 review
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    Review of Stoa