Coming soon
Be your better self in meetings
Check how good you are during interviews or regular meetings Energize discussions with insightful participant info Automate weekly project updates using meeting summaries digest
Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
Ryan Hoover
Spellar AI

Spellar AI

Personal Speaking CoPilot
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What is Spellar AI?
Spellar AI is AI-powered Speaking Copilot for MacOS As non-native English speakers ourselves, we understand the challenges of improving English proficiency, especially in remote work where clear communication is crucial Spellar boosts productivity and language proficiency for online meetings. It provides real-time tips, generates tasks, summaries, and offers personalized feedback for improving speaking skills. It's your aid for crucial interviews and presentations or regular meetings
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Recent launches

Spellar AI
Spellar AI returns with a sleek redesign and new features! Elevate your meetings with personalised feedback, tailored practice sessions, real-time chat assistance, and easy calendar integration. Enhance your communication effortlessly with Spellar AI.
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Spellar AI 1.0
Spellar is your AI-powered speaking assistant. Elevate your online meetings with personalized English feedback, boosting your communication skills and confidence. Seamlessly integrate this tool into your routine for effortless communication enhancement.
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