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  • Space

    A browser made for power users.
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    The community submitted 13 reviews to tell us what they like about Space, what Space can do better, and more.
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    2.8/5All time (1 review)
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    Very poor
    Daniel Marcinkowski

    Content Marketing Lead at Ready Player Me

    3 reviews
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    Review of Space Browser
    Congrats, guys! I had a chance to meet Julius and Julius. I was really looking forward to someone making their ideas a reality. Wish you all the best!
    Ayoub Aabass
    6 reviews
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    Review of Space Browser
    Congratulations on launching guys! Been testing the browser for a bit before the launch here and I'm so happy to see you finally launching it to a wider audience! The browser definitely has enough unique features to set it apart from other browsers for a niche of power users. I'm excited to see what features you'll come up with in the future. Wish you the best ;)
    Tom Schlander
    IT Administrator
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    Review of Space Browser
    This is sich a great new way to organize your life in a browser. Awesome job!
    Zubin Gulati
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Space Browser
    Nice, but some operating system already have a time line feature, so it's not just been to tabs yhst you can go back to, instead, even exact app submenus, would love it if you browser could Flex Web pages, I mean c'mon who wants s glaring white Google homepage? Modify bgcolor and bingo! Eye fatigue gone! Also how about a CLI ticker at the bottom status bar which shows exactly what the browser is doing example connecting to server, negotiating security, Web timeout, 5G is getting interference from your dual band router etc etc etc
    Moritz Wallawitsch

    Founder & Leadership at RemNote

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    Review of Space Browser
    Great browser that is finally worthy of the iPad Pro’s screen real estate. Love the tab organization. Been beta testing this for a while and have converted a ton of my coworkers. Love it.
    Chi Nwengoo Ozor
    I am Pearl and I am the news
    8 reviews
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    Review of Space Browser
    Oh my God this is awesome!
    Maurice Arikoglu
    iOS Developer
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    gunsterjay gunsterjay
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