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  • Snowball

    Snowball is the first smart crypto investment automation
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    What do people think of Snowball?

    The community submitted 62 reviews to tell us what they like about Snowball, what Snowball can do better, and more.
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    62 Reviews
    Dan Flanegan
    Entrepreneur & Investor
    3 reviews
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    Review of Snowball Money
    Snowball is a huge step forward in making crypto investment accessible to everyone! So thrilled to support this product and see it become the huge success it deserves to be! Congrats to the team and all the amazing hard work they have put into this!
    Recommended this product
    Review of Snowball Money
    A great app for anyone who is interested in investing in crypto assets. Excellent user experience. Beautiful interface. I especially appreciate the range of tax-optimized portfolios and automated deposit and investment processes.
    Nayden Bankovski
    Cryptos,investing and sports betting
    1 review
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    Review of Snowball Money
    I like and really admired your work about snowball money.Can't wait to be able to use in countries of Europe.I'm from Bulgaria,but my country hardly is in your radar of interests.I still follow your growth in this app.
    1 review
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    Review of Snowball Money
    Been using the beta version for a few months... and it’s incredibly simple to set up and use...wanna thank Jason from Millionaire Mentor for introducing this product into my life from his Instagram page! Changing lives daily! Very grateful! 🙌🏻😁
    GJJ Circle
    1 review
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    Review of Snowball Money
    Snowball Money on Republic https://republic.co/snowball-money/i/ivzy2j?utm_campaign=referral_token_share-portfolio-snowball-money&utm_content=05-23-2020-14-57-15&utm_medium=direct&utm_source=republic.co #joinrepublic
    Davis Abanto
    1 review
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    Review of Snowball Money
    I used to be scared of investing on crypto so I never took the chance to do it. “Scared money makes no-money” but now with Snowball I found a way to trust my investment and my friends love it too. Amazing team and overall 5/5
    Recommended this product
    Review of Snowball Money
    I’ve been a snowball user since beta and I have enjoyed using it ever since, I invest in crypto on a consistent basis and Snowball gets the job done by diversifying my portfolio in the most efficient and innovative way. I strongly recommend using Snowball if you want to invest in crypto the smart way!
    Yuliya Bazyleva
    1 review
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    Review of Snowball Money
    Snowball is the most user friendly app in the whole crypto space. Not only it is super intuitive to navigate and very transparent, it actually works and brings higher returns than investing in one crypto. Love the tax optimization feature! Bring it on snowball! 💪🤓
    Dor Gorel
    Dor Gorel
    Entrepreneur business owner
    1 review
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    Review of Snowball Money
    Neat approach and an amazing step contributing to enlarge cryptocurrency adoption! with so many launches occurring so often these days, not a lot of products get me excited, but this one definitely does! Always been a huge fan @jason_stone
    Andrey Livshits
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Snowball Money
    Great product, now there is no need to worry about your investment, just let the professionals do their work!