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  • Rise Music

    Rise Music

    An innovative atlas of music in your pocket.
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    The community submitted 7 reviews to tell us what they like about Rise Music, what Rise Music can do better, and more.
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    Lab Uro Inhaifa
    Newtech Entrepeneur
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    Review of Rise Music

    A great way of discovering new genres from different places. It very much helps to drill down and get a flavour of new tendencies and artists. I loved the idea of getting to know local groups in my area and connect with friends and make nwe friends. A welcoming and innovative tool!

    Alex Bordanova
    1 review
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    Review of Rise Music

    IT's never easy to find a new music App, glad I did yeah.

    Lucy Bel Vonhell
    1 review
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    Review of Rise Music

    Per chi ama scoprire la musica ovunque vada, ottimo sistema di ricerca.

    Maria Sanchis Amat
    Project manager
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    Review of Rise Music

    The maker Vince is awesome

    Giorgio Bovì
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    Concetta Chillemi
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    Hugh Cafferky
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