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The community submitted 16 reviews to tell us what they like about Repod, what Repod can do better, and more.
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16 Reviews
T. Z. Borden
true crime podcaster
1 review
I joined REPOD as a podcaster a few months ago and my experience so far has been incredible. The developers actually use feedback and are always working to improve their app. It's thoughtfully designed with features that podcasters want and need. 5/5 stars from me.
The Digressor
A random podcast about random things
1 review
I've been using Repod for almost a year now, and it's by far the best podcatcher I've ever used (and this includes Spotify and Stitcher). My website is currently down until further notice, so in the meantime since I can't share the episode links to my website, I just tweet the Repod link to the episodes. Even in the year I've been using the app, I've seen the number of features almost double. I'm legitimately impressed with what they'd done with it (and it was already an impressive app to begin with). I can't wait to see this app grow and what they do with it in the future.
Melissa Michelle Braden
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Review of Repod
If you are a podcast listener and love sharing episodes with your friends, Repod is great for that, especially the feed. The social feed basically looks like Twitter & Apple Podcasts had a baby. I like seeing the episode discussions and curating my own playlist for my friends to follow. Great discovering, sharing and listening!
Courtney Seitz
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Review of Repod
I am a first time mom and love how much support I have found through this app! It is so great to share episodes with other moms about parenting. I never would have found my new favorite podcast without Repod!
Steve Welty
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Review of Repod
I love sharing ideas that have a positive impact on me and this app lets me do just that easily. I like posting good episodes to the feed with the nugget I got from it. In the short time I have used it I was turned onto two new podcasts that are now on regular rotation. One of these really transformed an area of my life having to do with eating and wellness. Would not of happened without learning about it on Repod! Just love the ability to find new ideas easily, having the best episodes float to the top, and being able to share easily so great ideas can spread faster. Excited for the user base to grow and keep getting better!
Tyler David
I am pretty sweet
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Review of Repod
I am very new to the podcast world so I am not sure what is good. Pretty picky on which ones I like too. Best part about this product is I can see what people are saying about it and make much more informed decisions on what I listen too
Patrick Hayes
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Review of Repod
I have used this app in Beta for roughly the last year, and it has slowly taken over as my go-to for Podcasts versus Pocket Casts (yup, I'm on Android!). Why, you ask? The social aspect is at the core of the app and makes it easy to carry on a conversation about specific episodes you enjoyed, to ask for other thoughts, and lastly, it surfaces some great new episodes I likely wouldn't have found otherwise. Give it a shot if you're looking for a change!
Joshua Rowland
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Review of Repod
Through Repod I was able to find podcasts in common with friends of mine which makes for great conversation! We even went on a road trip and were easily able to figure out what to listen to by comparing podcasts we all liked and which episodes were new to the car! Travis, any podcast recommendations for a scientist looking to get high level news specific to biology and biotech? Thanks for making this! Josh
Kyle Rockwell
Podcast loving person
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Review of Repod
Before finding this app I was just willy-nilly shoot In the dark for random podcasts. I would type in a keyword and hope something popped up I would like. With this app I can look at what other people are listening to with similar interests and explore podcasts a lot easier. I am a “crime junkie” and love in depth sports talk and this made it that much easier to find people that curtail to what I want to hear. My morning trek down the mountain is made that much easier with repod. Hella fuego
Bryce Osterhaus
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