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    The only tool you need to run a profitable agency
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    What do people think of Productive?

    The community submitted 77 reviews to tell us what they like about Productive, what Productive can do better, and more.
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    77 Reviews
    Simon Paag

    spinnaker nordic

    2 reviews
    Quite disapointed after a couple of years on the platform. Project and task-management works fine, but the features that include reports on effectiveness, profits etc. simply doesn't work. The numbers that the report can put out, are not the same across the platform and it's not possible to get insight in to the logic of the reports. You end up, having to make a separate spreadsheet to get the information you need about your business. We came from a spreadsheet and some scripts, and have as a business lost all insights in to our operations. The logic in the application is flaky and the customer support representatives cannot answer the questions. Also they are slow answering. If you do decide to go with Productive, you should note that you will need approximately one full time person for the governance of the software, per 25 employees in a consultancy based or agency type of business.
    Vedran Burojević
    Freelance iOS Developer
    7 reviews
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    Review of Productive

    Combines all the good stuff from Trello, JIRA and Asana!

    Ida Pandur
    1 review
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    Review of Productive

    I've implemented Productive as a project management tool into my company ENTG 3 years ago. We are providing numerous digital services to our clients and big chunk of that is also production. When I tried it it was still in the early phases but basics as task and time management and contacts were covered. Since then, Productive had upgraded by listening to it's users like us into a tool that you can use for running a whole organization. We have our sales pipeline, our project management and profitability reports, scheduling from recently and even invoices creation through 1 click. Would really warmly recommend it to everyone that don't feel like bothering and paying to 5 different systems in order to get the same results that Productive can make in just one.

    Ivan Bjelajac
    Cofounder at bien.studio
    1 review
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    Review of Productive

    Productive is miles ahead of Trello, Jira and Basecamp in my book when it comes to managing companies and projects.

    I've been using it for a long while and have consistently praised it. It's straightforward where it needs to be, but you can go very much in depth if you want in other places. Looks great works great!

    Sanja Novotny
    1 review
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    Review of Productive

    We have been using Productive in ENTG for almost 4 years and can only say the best about this product. We use it for organising projects, tracking time, invoicing, reports, financial review... It's great that they add new features that we always end up using in our work.

    If we need anything at any time, the team from Productive responds very quickly to the messages and always helps us.

    An excellent team that stands behind great product that we will always be very happy to recommend.

    Ivan Josipovic
    Account Manager, ENTG
    1 review
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    Review of Productive

    Great project management tool to organize projects, financials and people. I've been working with productive for the last two years and it helps us to get things done easier and much faster.

    Vladimir Babić
    UI/UX Designer
    10 reviews
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    Tomislav Vukić
    Project Manager, Infinum
    1 review
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    Review of Productive

    This all in one solution costs as much as two coffees per month. Best value out there.

    Venne Gervu
    UI Designer
    2 reviews
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    Marlon Hines
    1 review
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