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    Poptin - Improve your website's conversion rate.
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    What do people think of poptin?

    The community submitted 57 reviews to tell us what they like about poptin, what poptin can do better, and more.
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    4.7/5All time (4 reviews)
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    57 Reviews
    Sivan Baram
    Co-Founder & CEO radd.
    17 reviews
    Awesome product.
    Lauren Volper

    Founder & Leadership at VOLT & CLOVE

    2 reviews
    It's been on my todo list to try, so today I finally dove in. I set up the mailchimp integration, and really like how bespoke the design interface is, but it has frozen mid-design twice now. This is very frustrating. There isn't a way to import my brand kit or hex colors, so I have to basically spend the same amount of time each time it freezes, which is frustrating.
    Oren Schaffer
    1 review
    Great product
    Ashiq Dey
    Ashiq Dey
    Living to create history
    3 reviews
    This is a must have plugin for every website that wants to increase engagement, its damn easy to use and it does offer wide range of design to suit every use case.
    Aazar Ali Shad
    Growth Marketing Stories Podcast
    12 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Poptin 2.0
    I've been using Poptin for last 2 years and I can't wait to dig into the newest poptin. SO MANY New features. Inline forms were the most interesting one for me.
    sh0 (Eyal Toledano)
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Poptin 2.0
    A delightful product by awesome people. Congratulations on the newest iteration @tomer_aharon, @galdubinski and team!
    Avishay Jesse Segal
    Helping businesses grow 🚀🌙
    9 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Poptin 2.0
    As always, the guys at Poptin created a killer app that just puts the competition behind, eating dust. New features, better UI; all the usual perks. If you want to capture the most relevant people who come by your house (website, not really capture people if anyone from the FBI is monitoring this), this baby brings this all to light. Still looking to see what other bunnies the guys at Poptin could pull out their hats. -AJ.
    Mark Pekel
    VP of Growth & Sales @Ongage
    7 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Poptin 2.0
    Amazing product, amazing team, my marketing funnels look pristine, you guys got game!
    Turgay YILMAZ
    really simple
    4 reviews
    Recommended this product
    When I tried to login your system, I am tired of giving details. Isn't it easy to get just e-mail? You took my e-mail, you forced me to fill some forms and you send me to your plan page and I went somewhere again. just a quick tip; let the people try your product first. If they like your product, they will register and continue to use. Don't push them to do something.
    Idan Liberman
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Poptin 2.0
    Best pop up ever. Great support, lots of features and options, an amazing conversion improvement tool. highly recommend by me and the Liberman Advertising team.