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  • Otherweb


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    What do people think of Otherweb?

    The community submitted 16 reviews to tell us what they like about Otherweb, what Otherweb can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (16 reviews)
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    16 Reviews
    Denis Pomogaev
    VP of Tech Innovations @ Rhonda Software
    1 review
    AI enabled content analysis of Otherweb not only allows to create a clear and concise summary of articles from various sources filtered by category and quality of content, but also creates a lot of headroom for new features and innovation
    Sergey Kuznetsov
    3 reviews
    I've used News Feed and I surely can say that it is able to replace my Twitter and Telegram feed, but with difference that Otherweb doing that in a much more user oriented way - now I have full control over my feed, without informational junk.
    Vladislav Dumbrava
    1 review
    Wonderful product with great potential.
    yes, very bio
    1 review
    If you're trying to read less news and stay more informed- this is for you! Reminds me of "google reader in the age of machine learning". The nutrition label feature looks exciting = analysing aggregated articles for phenomena like clickbait and hate speech. It will be interesting to see which uses of machine learning for content analysis will turn out to be most useful/popular. I like that special care has been taken in explaining the ML models as part of the nutrition label (on mouseover). Too often this is just a black box we're supposed to trust. I do think more could be done to make the info on the nutrition label even more meaningful and actionable.
    Denes Kellner
    Programming is a form of meditation.
    1 review
    Nice idea, nice job, nice mission. Wow. I like this kind of project.
    Alex Fink
    Thanks Denes! This kind of feedback is exactly why we're building it :) Would love to get your feedback on what you think we should add/modify/improve.
    I am a professional website developer
    1 review
    Owesome! I can easily get news from my favourite sites, can listen to podcasts :)
    J. Cal Baldari
    Retired Sapper, Philosophy Professor
    1 review
    overwhelmingly positive
    qikun li
    qikun li
    1 review
    Alex Fink
    Alex Fink
    Trying to fix the internet.
    1 review
    Kirill Sizov
    Software developer
    1 review