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  • Momentum

    Workflow automation platform for revenue teams
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    What do people think of Momentum?

    The community submitted 47 reviews to tell us what they like about Momentum, what Momentum can do better, and more.
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    47 Reviews
    Alex Mitchell
    CRO growing OSS for IT and Security
    1 review
    We’ve been using Momentum for several months, and it really streamlined the sales process! Love the workflows, especially tightly integrated with Salesforce and Slack. Also love the time saving of the new call summaries! They are very accurate and great to save as call notes in Salesforce with the click of a button in Slack.
    nelson florez
    Tradind excellenet
    1 review
    excellente herramienta,, eficiente y confiable
    Jeff Cestra
    early adopter
    9 reviews
    sales velocity as a service!
    Mathew Ventre
    SFDC Admin at Treasure Data
    1 review
    Great tool for our Deal Desk/Sales and Rev ops team to manage and track sales and pipeline
    javiera sanchez
    CMO SimpliRoute
    1 review
    Antoine Nivard
    3 reviews
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    Review of Momentum
    Sales team needed a core workflow tool that isn't a 3rd screen besides salesforce and slack and that can draw deal intelligence across functions outside the sales org. Congrats on the launch of Momentum, excited to be a backer and for what's next!
    Daniel Canton
    I'm an Operations guy
    3 reviews
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    Review of Momentum
    Momentum allows Sales team to focus on what's important, and to truly work as a team to close more deals by enabling a faster communication.
    Sidharth Sharma
    1 review
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    Review of Momentum
    If I had a dollar for every time I said "Ugh!! SFDC is such a waste of time", I'd be a millionaire for sure. For someone who has been in Sales for years, I've seen myself and my teams go through the same cycle : Excited to sell -> SFDC is slow, Deal desk is slow, Approvals are slow -> Gradually lose interest and faith in internal tools -> hack your way around systems before you move to a new role! Absolutely love that Momentum solves this problem and allows Sales teams to do what they do best - Sell! Its been amazing to partner with the Momentum team and make life easy for so many GTM and Ops teams!
    Gaurav Jagiasi
    Product/Project Manager
    1 review
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    Review of Momentum
    As a Sales Consultant, one of the biggest pushbacks I deal with from sales teams is that while Sales Managers buy into how CRMs help the sales process, it's difficult for individual salespeople to start using new systems. Momentum addresses this beautifully by bringing the power of Salesforce into apps most salespeople are already comfortable it: be it Slack for quick seamless deal updates, or Asana for blazing-fast task turnaround; or Google Drive for collecting all related docs. Congrats on the Launch! 🚀 Can't wait to see how you grow and change the Sales Productivity and Automation Space 🤖
    Michael Wilde
    I'm Wilde, a lifelong devops enthusiast
    1 review
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    Review of Momentum
    Momentum is, simply put, essential. What you see on the surface are things like "Smart Dealrooms" for coordinating communication and tasking within an opportunity (each opportunity can have its own dealroom), to simple things like updating next steps, changing deal amounts, modifying stages, uploading files and notes...and yes "closing the deal". If that was all, Momentum would be the best individual tool for managing deals in Slack. The real power of Momentum is in its "no-code" automation platform. Many of us have low/code general automation platforms like Zapier or Tray.io. They're fine tools, but none of them have a data model tailored for the business of sales. For us, Momentum links up Salesforce, Slack, Asana and more--this allows the folks who know our sales process to build automation that speeds up everything from deal announcements to provision customers, discount approval, and even "requesting a Solution Architect" for our deals. Add up all of the times you've had to log in to your tools--now all with MFA--the clicks it takes to get to "file upload", to "yet another tab open, sucking memory from my computer". Time matters to sales teams and Momentum saves us a huge amount of time.