

Track your mood automatically while on your Mac
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28 Reviews
Thibault Duchemin
CEO @AvaScribe - Tech for Society
3 reviews
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Review of Misu
As a society we need to build much more awareness around our mental health. I think these kind of products will be absolutely critical for this. Also, very sleek design, and I appreciate that the team cares about clarifying how the data is being used. Already thinking of how we could apply the insights to detect that we’re actually happier after Zooming with friends vs. watching Netflix! Very excited to see where Misü goes from there, and congrats to @applecider_ the origin story is very inspiring :)
Kushaan Shah
Growth @ Livongo
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Review of Misu
I've been an early beta tester of Misu and have used it on and off over the last few months. Why I would recommend it: - The accuracy of the facial expressions to the mood score is impressive. You can try it out during the onboarding - it recognizes when you're intensely smiling or frowning and it's something you don't even have to think about during the day. It's something I've rarely been self-aware of and it's refreshing to retrain your cingulate cortex :) - The UI is beautiful 🤩If you love apps like Headspace, you'll love the simple, elegant and fun UI elements on here. Everything from mini cartoons to beautiful dashboards. - If you've ever done anything like intermittent fasting, you'll realize that fasting for long periods of time can help you understand and change your body's limits - you'll drink water a lot more in the morning and in between meals; it will intrinsically change your dependencies. I see the future of Misu as a great opportunity for this reason - it will prompt you to smile more when you're enjoying stuff, elevate your mood by identifying the right cues, and give you greater agency over your brain's response selection. - @applecider_ and his team are awesome. During the beta testing period, they led with care, curiosity, and empathy. The product is not for everyone but I am confident in their ability to listen and take genuine interest in making it better.
Adam Kruger
Product @ TELUS Health MyCare
1 review
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Review of Misu
Awesome product, thanks for building this! How do you plan to monetize? Important for users to understand in the context of their data. Thanks
Kai Faust
Kai Faust
CEO & Founder at Infopop
3 reviews
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Review of Misu
Misü has helped me better understand patterns in my mood changes over the course of hours, days and weeks. Since it automatically logs my activity along with my mood, I’ve been able to identify the sources of my greatest changes in mood.
Emily Yeh
Emily Yeh
2 reviews
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Review of Misu
I was in the beta release and love it -- the app is so easy to use that I leave it on all of the time and have about 6 months of data on my mental health and well-being. I check the app almost daily to see how my mental health has been for the past few days and, if it’s been dropping, I try to figure out what about my routine hasn’t been working for me and sometimes add a run or other fun activity to my schedule to brighten up my day. I’ve also learned that I really enjoy social time with coworkers (meetings, Slack) and, surprisingly, my mood drops most of the time when I watch tv. It’s been a fun journey witnessing the product grow from its early stages - the team’s been great about receiving feedback and making changes quickly. Appreciate all of your hard work!
Michelle Huang
3 reviews
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Review of Misu
I’ve been using Misu for a while now, and it’s been SUPER enlightening in terms of which apps / websites have most positively or negatively impacted my mood. As someone who, as an experiment, tracked every second of how I was spending 3 months of my life and then made some behavioral changes - can say what is measured does actually get managed. I’m excited to see how I can better effectively manage and gain some awareness around my mood / emotions that are usually so transient and fleeting and hard to introspect objectively on in that moment. Plus - really well designed app, beautiful (and intuitive) interface. Extremely easy to use. Overall amazing product and love the story behind the founder as well! <3
1 review
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Review of Misu
Been using Misu for a few months. + responsive founding team, early stage, so input gets implemented + data data data — makes it easy to correlate rough days on a quantified basis (e.g. full day of meetings is a big downer for me, and the opposite creates opposite effect) Like RescueTime (in that it tracks all laptop usage) but with added layer of being able to correlate mood with app/site usage. Like Fitbit tracking sleep/fitness, but for mood. Great for data junkies, quantified self lovers, or those interested in a tool to empower mental health.
Jon Letts
Jon Letts
1 review
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Review of Misu
For a product that needs access to your camera and computer usage - Trust is key. I trust Dan and the Misu team to be working on a product with the mental health of all users at the forefront. He has proven countless times his dedication and priorities (through starting the Future of Wellness Policy Community, as a peer, and as a founder) and I believe that the benefits of trusting Misu are well worth it. I built a life management tool 3 years ago using Airtable and the missing element has always been, “how am I feeling”. Misu solves that - and as it develops has the most direct potential to provide insight on my mood as it relates to more than just web browsing. I’m excited for Misu to be a part of the ecosystem of applications that together help users understand their own life.
Jess B1n
Jess B1n
I work at a startup in Oakland
2 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Misu
I tried Misu and compared it to several of the thousands of other mood trackers available for free and I think it doesn't really stand out. The design, UI / UX is mediocre compared to many others and the accuracy of my mood reading was no better than if I just guessed randomly and wrote it down on a paper mood tracker.
Nick Naraghi
1 review
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Review of Misu
I've used Misu for about 6 months. I use my computer a lot. Between coding, video calls (especially now that I'm WFH), reading articles, and youtube rabbit holes, I might find myself on the computer 8-10 hours a day on average. Having an external assistant that not only shows me my usage, but how these platforms are affecting me has been hugely beneficial to my mental wellbeing and has directly changed my behavior. Most importantly, Misu helps me the most when I'm at my worst. If I'm in a low mood, it's harder for me to realize that myself. But seeing my wellness number lower than average for hours or days in a row is a really strong indicator for me. Privacy is a pretty important concern for me (for example, I don't allow any Facebook-published apps onto my phone, use a variety of blockers on desktop). Initially I was skeptical, but the Misu team has been very responsive about my concerns and answered all my questions along the way. All in all, I would recommend! Very excited to see how this product develops in the coming years.