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  • MainStreet


    $10,000 to leave the Bay Area
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    The community submitted 27 reviews to tell us what they like about MainStreet, what MainStreet can do better, and more.
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    1.9/5All time (4 reviews)
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    27 Reviews
    Dane Andrews
    Productizing real estate development
    1 review
    Review of MainStreet
    The definition of over-promise and under-deliver. Notice how all the recent positive reviews are from 1-2 years ago? Yeah, that's because most current customers like myself are very unhappy. Don't fall for their promises. We were told we would get ~25K in 4-6 weeks after the new year, then another ~25k a few months after that. All we had to do was pay them 2k each month for the rest of the year. I didn't know about the ERC and R&D credits before so seemed like a fair deal. Well it's mid April, we've been paying them each month since the beginning of the year and we haven't received a thing. The thing that frustrates me the most is they had a cash advice option when we singed up. But we were told it would only take 4-6 weeks so we didn't go for it because based on their timeline it wasn't necessary. But then (of course) their timeline is was off, and when I said okay let's do the cash advice they said that's no longer an option. So even though their timeline estimates were completely off, we are expected to keep paying them, be quiet and wait and wait and wait. Part of me thinks this is a scam. Let's hope not.
    Enoch Ko
    Enoch Ko
    Co-Founder of Soraban
    5 reviews
    Although their UI is ok, still pretty confusing and missed our deadline to benefit from our IRS credit due to their confusion
    Shri Bear Ganeshram
    2 reviews
    Just continues to autocharge you and will not reimburse if they don't deliver their services, horrible business practice.
    Victor Trac

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
    I filled out Mainstreet.com's intake form and was told that I qualified for tax credits, for which they charge 10%. Great, I thought. My CPA later said that I shouldn't actually file this, but Mainstreet refuses to rescind their fees and wants to continue charging me monthly. Direct quote from their response after I complained: "If you and your CPA decided to move forward in not claiming the credit, we completely understand, but we have fulfilled our contractual obligations in providing you with everything needed to claim the credit. If you'd like to cancel future renewals we can certainly do that, but there are 5 remaining payment cycles in the 2022 subscription that will be collected. Once the 2022 program is paid in full we will ensure you are not renewed further. " This is unbelievably scummy behavior. Avoid Mainstreet.com like the plague.
    Tom Medema
    Founder / CEO Bubbles
    159 reviews
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    Review of MainStreet
    Looks great and is a useful service, congrats :) Left some tips here on your landing page too, hope it helps and best of luck with this! https://app.usebubbles.com/d6f45bd6-56d3-49f2-95fd-7784e8a8085f
    Marcos Ortiz

    Riot Games

    49 reviews
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    Review of MainStreet
    Wow. this is one of the most interesting products I've ever seen this year. This is a no-brainer for every company, startup out there. Well done @dougludlow @nickabouzeid @jamoses92
    Recommended this product
    Review of MainStreet
    Given that there are a lot of people being forced to leave the Bay Area WITHOUT getting $10K to cover the cost of it, I'm sure it's very attractive. But are you doing anything about finding these people appropriate places to go? Presumably they need fast Internet, at the very least, to do remote work successfully, and this is not always available in small towns and rural areas.
    Nick Abouzeid
    Growth @ Ramp
    9 reviews
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    Jackson Moses
    Founder. Investor. Advisor. 🤝
    4 reviews
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    Daniel Griffin
    2 reviews
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    Review of MainStreet