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  • LogicLike

    Improve logical thinking through engaging brain games
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    What do people think of LogicLike?

    The community submitted 86 reviews to tell us what they like about LogicLike, what LogicLike can do better, and more.
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    86 Reviews
    Vadim Tzukerman
    Cool guy
    1 review
    Review of LogicLike
    Scamming people into paying for "unlimited" subscription and then there are new courses released which aren't included into "unlimited". More than that it seems that some of the courses you were owning in your "unlimited" sub after a year+ become necessary to be purchased again.
    Matt Olevinsky
    Hello, Vadim. Sorry for a little delay with the answer. First of all - welcome to ProductHunt (your review is the only contribution to ProductHunt community for that moment. Feel free to contact us via email as well - it's more rapid way, we'll handle everything 😉). Second. Thank you for using LogicLike. We guess that you have unlimited subscription on our logic course. It's all yours for ages. The unlimited one. But now we have new other micro products (no logic, but animals, counties, some curiosity gams) etc which are avaliable for additional price for all users. We've also made a hude special "upgrade offer" for logic course unlimit customers easy to upgrage - discount 70-80%. We think it's fair enough and many parent made the upgrade and ok with that. We are sorry if our new products causes some inconveniences to you - we'll double check our upgrade flow and price pages. Best regards.
    Joseph S. Kahn
    SEO and Digital Growth Expert
    18 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    This was super challenging and helped me get my brain going in the right direction. This is a perfect tool to warm up the mind engines before embarking on a business mission. I love it. I will be recommending this to colleagues and well as parents. This is super great for kids also! Boom! SUPER FUN AND CHALLENGING! Love it!
    Aleh Barysevich
    Founder, SEO PowerSuite & Awario
    10 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    Congrats on launching, guys! I should say that when I hear about a "logic game", I usually get a bit scared it'll be too complicated or boring, but you managed to crash that stereotype in pieces! The game's fun, simple (at least at the beginning) and very engaging. I'll show it to my niece and I'm sure she'll love it too. Good luck to your team!
    Inessa Bokhan
    Marketing at SEO PowerSuite
    10 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    It's a cool game, my 6 year old can play it alone (and she's not super enthusiastic about learning, mind you!) and I can see that she gets immersed in the game. Highly recommend, especially for kids 5-10!
    Tanya Volkova
    Open for opportunities
    2 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    Thanks @chrismessina, @matvey_olevinsky and @yuri_bitno This game actually helps me keep my brain awake and it's useful, i don't feel like i'm wasting time playing and don't feel bored training my brains :) congrats and good luck!
    Arthur Andreyev
    Inspired marketer
    8 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    Planned to quickly check this logic game at first, but then found myself absolutely immersed in it and spent an hour or so playing. The concept behind this service is absolutely great for learners like me because it's interactive and allows you to boost your logic skills in a playful form. Million thanks for such a product!
    Brian Kato
    Owner, Fusion Vine
    5 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    Just downloaded LogicLike and both my kids and I enjoy it. LogicLike is a great way to provide educational value in a fun and engaging format. Kudos to the dev team!
    Marek Murawski
    Senior SEO Specialist
    4 reviews
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    Review of LogicLike
    The problem with games of this type for a single player is that you have to have a lot of self-denial and self-motivation. In LogicLike, the ability to compete only drives you to keep playing. The interface is beautiful, intuitive, and well thought out. There are also tasks that are derived from those from intelligence tests, so contrary to appearances, it is not as easy as it might seem. Statistics are a great thing, although I miss some advanced analytics here - the stats and rankings are great, but being able to track real progress, speed of development, identify strengths and weaknesses would be great. But these are probably my sick, exaggerated requirements for an already great product. I hope that this solution will go to schools one day, supplementing the core curricula, because logic is what our societies lack more and more.
    Asel Abdulagapova-Arslan
    Marketing, marketing, marketing
    1 review
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    Review of LogicLike
    My 6-year old absolutely loves it and I don't even have to remind him about logic like, he comes and grabs the computer from my hands to play it. Now he wants me to get a 6-month subscription! It's highly entertaining and challenging enough to keep him interested.
    Людмила Терешкова
    I work as a network administrator
    1 review
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    Review of LogicLike
    О! Достойный продукт, - несет радость и пользу во время отдыха для себя и ребенка. Отличное саморазвитие, тренинг для мозга. Очень полезно ля детей,- они заняты яркой игрой, которая мягко заставляет их думать, развивает внимание, математические способности, целеустремленность. Дает радость реальных побед с подтвержденными сертификатами и призами достижениями. Успехов, LOGICLIKE!