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  • Lemon Squeezy

    Lemon Squeezy

    Sell digital products the easy-peasy way
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    What do people think of Lemon Squeezy?

    The community submitted 33 reviews to tell us what they like about Lemon Squeezy, what Lemon Squeezy can do better, and more.
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    4.2/5All time (20 reviews)
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    33 Reviews
    Jordan Hughes
    Himalayas & Untitled UI
    19 reviews
    Switching my entire business to Lemon Squeezy was a breath of fresh air. It was so easy to set up and just works better. The best part is the design is so great that my conversion rate is already up!
    JR Farr
    Thanks for the support, Jordan! 🙏
    I've always been a huge fan of Lemon Squeezy and they truly do make it easy peasy to sell products online nowadays! The affiliates feature has been brilliant from the start and so grateful I got on the beta. It's so impressive what you all manage to build out as a team and I tell everyone I know how Lemon Squeezy is the best payment platform around - and it's only going to get better! Congrats on the launch team 🥳
    JR Farr
    You're the best Rachel! 💛
    Nitesh Manav
    Life is a Startup.
    38 reviews
    Congratulations for the launch 💥 I have already started using it as affiliate and it's indeed a breeze. 🤩 However, not sure why but support doesn't seem to be active. I had asked a query via Support chat but no one responded yet in last 5 days. So, may be I can get a response here. Seems like I discovered one bug on the checkout page. Kindly have a look at this screen record: https://app.birdeatsbug.com/sess... So, whenever a user applies a coupon code, it doesn’t work for the first time. Screen simply refreshes as if nothing happened or if the discount code is wrong. But when the user tries again with the same code, it works second time. I tried this with multiple products and on multiple devices and browsers... and I always faced this issue. This may confuse user that the coupon code is wrong. Please fix this, if you can reproduce this issue. Also, currently there is no way to assign an specific discount code for an specific affiliate for any product. Kindly add this feature. This will help affiliate to promote the tool not just with the aff. URL but also with the assigned discount code, without necessarily using the affiliate link. Looking forward to your response and best wishes for the launch. Thank you.
    Dan Mindru
    Web developer
    30 reviews
    Lemonsqueezy has been working brilliantly for me. Subscriptions, digital downloads, licenses, customer dashboards - they got all you need. They've been pushing out feature after feature making their platform an excellent choice to sell anything from a SaaS product to a pdf. Big fan!
    JR Farr
    Appreciate the love Dan and we are happy to hear the features we've launched are making the platform even better. Lots more to come!
    Max Yamp
    Max Yamp
    Founder @ One Click Labs
    80 reviews
    Congrats on the launch! It can be literally life-changing to establish good habits and a strong routine. I support anyone trying to bring more of that to the world!
    Fantastic founding team who are committed to building a great, user-friendly service. Keep your eyes on this one, it's going to be a game changer in the Merchant-Of-Record payment provider space!
    Finally, an all-in-one platform that gets it right!
    Yogesh Gosavi

    Indie maker

    4 reviews
    Great job, Lemon Squeezy team! It's impressive to see how fast new features are being added to the platform. Your dedication to continuously improving the product shows that you truly care about your users and their experience. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing what new features you have in store for us in the future! 👏🏼
    Writer, Marketer
    6 reviews
    Unprofessional. Radio silence is not the way to treat affiliates/partners/customers
    Andrey Svetlichniy

    Founder & Leadership at Storeez Ltd

    1 review
    The most comfortable billing service I have ever used. Cool email marketing features. Better than stripe or paddle.