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  • Leadforms

    Turn more website visitors into leads with multi-step forms.
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    What do people think of Leadforms?

    The community submitted 8 reviews to tell us what they like about Leadforms, what Leadforms can do better, and more.
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    8 Reviews
    Tom Medema
    Founder / CEO Bubbles
    159 reviews
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    Review of Leadforms
    Pretty much any site needs a form so it's great to see some no-code movement here. I gave some feedback on your landing page here: https://app.usebubbles.com/e9e9fa47-cb8a-4722-b49e-3db70adbc53b -- let me know if it's useful. In my opinion you could focus on a lot more on getting the person to try the product and signup (perhaps with your own leadform), and the amount of text/features on the page can be reduced. The large amount of text makes it seem like a complicated product to me. It would be better to let the product speak for itself and move details to a CRM system or FAQ or dedicated pages for SEO.
    Ken Savage
    The Product Launch Pro
    74 reviews
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    Marcus Taylor
    CEO, VentureHarbour
    1 review
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    Review of Leadforms
    Monika Ben
    First Marketer at Kona
    31 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Leadforms
    Kate Marie
    Marketing professional
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Leadforms
    Hi @john_porrini! I love LeadForms. It has been working well for me and my clients! Since it has been added to our websites, we’ve generated more qualified leads! Great product.
    Ebuka Arinze
    Turning ideas to Successful reality
    1 review
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    John Toll
    John Toll
    Owner of cozyfido app
    1 review
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    Review of Leadforms
    Marcus Taylor
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Leadforms