Latka SaaS Database

SaaS company growth, customer counts, churn, ARR & more
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What do people think of Latka SaaS Database?

The community submitted 51 reviews to tell us what they like about Latka SaaS Database, what Latka SaaS Database can do better, and more.
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3.7/5All time (2 reviews)
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51 Reviews
Sridevi Baskar

HR & Hiring

15 reviews
Just wow. It is very user-friendly interface

Baruch Gutman
1 review
I ordered a magazine 6 months ago and never got it. I've sent over 5 emails with no answer at all. Stay away from this service as there is no one tontalk to after paying for nothing.

Elke Fleing
owner at Elke Fleing
1 review
Recommended this product
Review of Latka100

Would like to have much more companies in there - so: grow fast please :-)



Founder & Leadership

8 reviews
Recommended this product

I highly appreciate and respect the amount of manual work that has gone into making this. Definitely bookmarked and will recommend. Don't mind having to provide my info at all, I'd do the same if I had a similar product. I've already lost countless amounts of time checking this out and listening to the interviews - Solid product!


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Nilesh Jain
1 review
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otman info
1 review
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Review of Latka SaaS 300

Melanie Koerperich
CEO, Milrich Associates
1 review
Recommended this product
Review of Latka SaaS 300

Nathan is always striving to provide great information - highly recommend


Tilmann Foerster
Engineer, Entrepeneur, SaaS
1 review
Recommended this product
Review of Latka SaaS 300

Great tool for researching latest trends and ideas in tech


Jordan Hosmer
Head of Marketing @ Axius (
2 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Latka100

I've been a long time listener of the podcast and use the site to compare our own SaaS metrics. Super helpful data and Nathan always pushes his guests for answers and in turn gets great useful content. Thanks!
