
Short, memorable links made by humans, for humans. go/links
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What is GoLinks?
GoLinks revolutionizes how you find and share knowledge by transforming any URL into a memorable short link (aka go link or go/link). Go links are easy to type into your browser and share verbally in meetings or visually in emails and chats. Say goodbye to digging through drives, mile-long bookmark lists, and information gatekeepers.
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Recent launches

GoLinks Search Powered by ChatGPT
GoLinks already changed the game when we made finding information as easy as typing go/metrics. πŸ”— The GoLinks bot can now answer complex technical questions and provide AI-generated content recommendations to kick-start your productivity!
GoLinks for Enterprise
Short links for your company's internal URLs. GoLinks for Enterprise gives organizations expanded control of their GoLinks instance and offers features such as organizational policies, Identity management (SSO), company identity branding, and deep usage analytics.
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