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  • Freshpaint


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    What do people think of Freshpaint?

    The community submitted 40 reviews to tell us what they like about Freshpaint, what Freshpaint can do better, and more.
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    40 Reviews
    Siddharth Bharath
    CEO and Founder at Broca
    4 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Been using Freshpaint for a few months now and it's amazing. The ability to backfill data is a life saver!
    Cody Cross
    Current Product @BusinessWarrior
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Our company has been using Freshpaint for months and we love it. The ability to backfill data is HUGE when looking for new insights and product engagement. Congrats to Fitz and the Freshpaint team. Think you have yourselves a winner here.
    Haroun Hickman
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    If you're in charge of a growth function, Freshpaint lets you get rolling on analytics without having to bug your tech team to set a clunky system up. Fitz gives an immense onboarding run-through as well. Delighted to see this launch!
    Grant Deken
    Co-Founder, CEO of @unstackhq
    19 reviews
    Recommended this product
    We've been using Freshpaint for six months and this addition is huge. Can't wait to try it out.
    David Gu
    David Gu
    6 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Congrats on the launch @fitzrocks @michael_malis! Love what you guys have been up to.
    Paul Ferrell
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    As a data scientist who has on multiple occasions been forced to painstakingly re-create customer journeys by analyzing logs or piecing together database entries from production mysql due to the fact that the product had not been properly instrumented, this is a game changer that would have made my life much easier on a number of occasions.
    Cory Kwiat
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    We use freshpaint and I have to say it's AWESOME. We have looked at and used other similar services, and not only is Freshpaint functional and robust, their support team is incredible. I highly recommend their service. (and no, they did not ask me to write this review!).
    David Ongchoco

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
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    Great way for growth and marketing teams to start being more data driven!
    Siddharth Bharath
    CEO and Founder at Broca
    4 reviews
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    Lenny Rachitsky
    32 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Very excited for this