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  • Explo


    Customer-facing dashboards and reports - lightning fast
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    What do people think of Explo?

    The community submitted 57 reviews to tell us what they like about Explo, what Explo can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (6 reviews)
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    57 Reviews
    Ken Savage
    The Product Launch Pro
    74 reviews
    I'd love to take a demo for a ride and see how it can handle some statistics I have from a database. Probably a one time report unless it's AMAZING. Is this doable?
    Lester Lee
    1 review
    Every SaaS app should have Explo embedded in it
    martin menendez
    system admin
    25 reviews
    It is a serious project with a great future.
    Abraham Onoja
    Software Engineer
    1 review
    Awesome product. Really helpful
    Matt Lenhard
    Co-founder / CTO @ Positional
    1 review
    Congrats on the launch! Seems like the perfect use cases for LLM's. There is a ton of domain specific engineering work that goes into building these types of reports, which could be abstracted away. Ideally saving engineering time and allowing teams to ideate faster. Excited to test it out.
    David J. Phillips
    CEO @ Fondo
    28 reviews
    Review of Explo 2.0
    Tom Medema
    Founder / CEO Bubbles
    159 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Explo
    Really nice product, makes everything so much easier! Also left some points here on your landing page in relation to CTA's, hope it helps! - https://app.usebubbles.com/4349a6e1-427f-42c7-9cd8-4c2fb1ef8db3
    George Liu
    Maker, Dolphin
    30 reviews
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    Review of Explo
    The point-and-click interface has been completely gamechanging for the nontechnical members of our team in analyzing our app data and finding key insights about customer usage. Excited to see this product progress over time!
    Neel Bhoopalam
    Product at Persona
    3 reviews
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    Review of Explo 2.0
    Congrats @rohan_varma1, @_andrewchen, @garymlin, and the rest of the team on the launch! Explo is a fantastic product! Engineering teams can focus on what they do best in building their core product, rather than "reinventing the wheel" and building out their own customer-facing analytics stack. A huge time saver! I'll definitely be recommending this product to other companies!
    Conder Shou
    Founder, CSO & CTO at Brevy (YC W21)
    9 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Explo 2.0
    It's so clear how this is solving a huge pain point for companies. Pumped to try this out for our own case as well! Congrats on the launch guys!!