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    Spotify's Discover Weekly... But Daily
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    What do people think of Discoverify?

    The community submitted 20 reviews to tell us what they like about Discoverify, what Discoverify can do better, and more.
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    2.6/5All time (4 reviews)
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    20 Reviews
    Just a average person.
    1 review
    It's no longer free, I do not recommend now. I used to use this when it was free, I tried adding it to my main spotify account I got back into and it was asking to pay. When they are saying it's free, it's not anymore. If discoverify was free like their advertising then I'd rate it a 5 star like everyone else.
    Ethan Zohar
    Hey, yes I did recently move the service to being paid, but feel free to use this coupon code to get a free lifetime subscription Coupon Code: SORRY100
    cass d
    cass d
    cofounder of yo mommas rank ass pussy
    1 review
    scammers, shouldve just stayed free but no you have money hungry idiots in the world
    Felipe Arriagada
    1 review
    Es buena para generar playlist


    1 review
    Unfortunately, it isn't free anymore. Had a blast with it a while back but now I wouldn't recommend it anymore.
    Calum Webb
    Growth @ Lazy. Prev: Product Hunt
    32 reviews
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    Review of Discoverify
    This is a great idea. I'm a big fan of Spotify's Discover Weekly, even to the extent of making sure I'm super picky about what songs I listen to on my Spotify to avoid messing up my suggestions 😅. Having a tool to get suggestions daily, with more control over what songs are recommended is excellent! Congrats on the launch!
    Andy Alekseenko
    Ruby developer that loves startups
    2 reviews
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    Review of Discoverify
    Not only they provide you with new music daily, they also let you choose the "Danceability", "Popularity", "Mood" and other options for the generated playlist. Totally recommend
    Recommended this product
    Review of Discoverify
    This app is outstanding! It saves me time and it’s like it reads my mind. This is a gamechanger and now that I’ve used it, I will never not use it. I love this app!!!!
    Recommended this product
    Review of Discoverify
    Alex Shen
    Alex Shen
    1 review
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    Review of Discoverify
    Very intuitive to use. I don't have to manually choose music ever again!!!
    Mark Zohar
    Founder, TrendSpottr
    1 review
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    Review of Discoverify