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  • Die With Me

    Die With Me

    Chat with strangers when you have less than 5% battery
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    What do people think of Die With Me?

    The community submitted 34 reviews to tell us what they like about Die With Me, what Die With Me can do better, and more.
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    3.7/5All time (0 reviews)
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    34 Reviews
    Deniz Vatan
    Developer, sailor, dart player, diver ..
    11 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Die With Me

    Really useless app, however if you are under 10 year old and you dont have a chance to charge at any boring place it can be entertaining to chat strangers

    Youssef Nassim
    Software Engineer
    4 reviews
    Reviewed this product
    Review of Die With Me

    Still, it deserves an upvote for its uniqueness

    Menachem Pritzker
    CEO, TheHomeFixers
    7 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Die With Me

    This app should come preinstalled on all phones.

    Philipp Meder
    efficiency expert
    6 reviews
    Reviewed this product
    Review of Die With Me
    Ankit Kumar
    Founder @eli5labs
    18 reviews
    Reviewed this product
    Review of Die With Me
    David Iwanow


    21 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Die With Me
    Hiii :)
    10 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Die With Me

    had a great time with my friend, thanks!

    Suraj Sudhera
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Die With Me

    What if you like some one and then suddenly you phone dies while chatting how would you feel ????

    Plus if you have 5% battery and you wanna chat, wouldn't you want to chat with someone who is close to you instead of random person on the internet ?

    Jason R. Hall
    Director of Product, SentryOne
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Die With Me

    Seems fun, and I would tell others about it.

    Rob Nugen
    Rob Nugen
    Walking barefoot, making Marble Track 3
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Die With Me

    battery low; mig
