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  • Cauldron


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    What do people think of Cauldron?

    The community submitted 93 reviews to tell us what they like about Cauldron, what Cauldron can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (6 reviews)
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    93 Reviews
    Hrant Davtyan
    Founder @ Anania
    6 reviews
    Review of Cauldron Free
    We recently had terrible experiments with Google Forms and Sheets that we used to control multiple vacancies. We wasted tons of time and did a lot of manual work. Cauldron is precisely what we need to improve the process. Highly recommend!
    Vahan Melkonyan
    Thanks for the note @hrantdavtyan! That's exactly what we're hoping for! Products like Typeform and Google forms are widely used for hiring while being terrible for that use case!
    Russ Halilov

    Founder & Leadership

    5 reviews
    Review of Cauldron Free
    Cooper Wright
    1 review
    Review of Cauldron Free
    Finally, I get to sing the praises of this platform! Cauldron is a lifesaving product if your team is struggling to highlight the right candidates from your recruiting pipeline. The first thing you experience is the user experience, which feels incredibly intuitive. Then you see how it streamlines your hiring funnel while making the candidate experience feel "authentic-at-scale"... We've probably used 10 or more recruiting tools that all did different versions of the same old thing, but Cauldron is uniquely user-friendly and the capabilities seem to keep expanding because the team is hands-on with feedback and enhancing the platform. Also, throughout our POC and since we fully implemented, candidates have given us great feedback and we're seeing more effective interviews because the right candidates are being surfaced where they weren't before. Our recruiting team finally has a manageable work/life balance. Glad to see this getting traction, and it deserves much more!
    Nom :jasmin ,
    1 review
    Review of Cauldron Free
    Avetis Antaplyan
    Technologist and Angel Investor
    2 reviews
    Review of Cauldron
    Great product, easy to use, improving weekly
    7 reviews
    Review of Cauldron Free
    Hrant Davtyan
    Founder @ Anania
    6 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Cauldron V2
    congratulations! is this for general hire or targeted to tech people only?
    Michael Sieb

    Founder & Leadership

    121 reviews
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    Review of Cauldron
    Masha Aloyan
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Cauldron
    Very impressive! Such thoughtful idea, and it seems to solve lots of problems recruiters and applicants are facing right now! On my way to register, thank you for this cool platform!
    Stepan Aslanyan

    Founder & Leadership at Hexact Inc

    25 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Cauldron V2