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  • Browsee

    AI assisted tool to understand user experience visually.
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    What is Browsee?
    ✔ AI Tags on sessions - With 5% of sessions, understand 100% of user issues ✔ Create segments, funnels, dashboard, and subscribe to session alerts - No code required ✔ Heatmaps with Rage and Dead click data & AI clustering on user behavior ✔ Free forever plan
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    Recent launches

    Browsee 2.0
    ✔ AI Tags on sessions - With 5% of sessions, understand 100% of user issues
    ✔ Create segments, funnels, dashboard, and subscribe to session alerts - No code required
    ✔ Heatmaps with Rage and Dead click data & AI clustering on user behavior
    ✔ Free forever plan
    Browsee 2.0 image
    Browsee Analytics for Chrome
    Browsee - Chrome Extension to analyse your website's pages and elements
    ❌ Earlier..How well is this button performing? Let me track an event for that.
    ✔️ Now..Let's open Browsee's extension and check. Okay, 100 clicks y'day. Cool!
    Use BROWSEE50 for 50% Off*
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    1 more launch