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  • Bootstrap Studio

    Bootstrap Studio

    The Web Design Tool for the Bootstrap Framework.
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    What do people think of Bootstrap Studio?

    The community submitted 8 reviews to tell us what they like about Bootstrap Studio, what Bootstrap Studio can do better, and more.
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    4.5/5All time (2 reviews)
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    8 Reviews
    Paul Lambert
    Web designer and Digital Marketer
    1 review
    Great software and fantastic value. It really speeds up the development of Bootstrap elements for sites. The review by Ken Button really unfair! - basically, he didn't check his Spam folder so gives them a lousy review!?
    3 reviews
    Great app for creating websites. A lot of flexibility.
    Software developer. Engineering manager
    6 reviews
    Reviewed this product

    The software constantly comes in your way to learn and understand how to use the tool.

    Abishekh Kc


    3 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Am Really loved Bootstrap Studio. And used for a long to build best reponsive static sites.
    Andrian Valeanu

    Founder, R&D at Designmodo

    63 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Recommended this product

    I find Bootstrap itself a little tedious and hard to read. Bootstrap Studio solves the problems with that. Contrary to popular opinion, it's actually a lot easier for experienced Bootstrap users and harder for newbies. It doesn't have have tool tips on what the various classes do.

    But for the price range and the amount of time it saves, it's well worth it.

    Ken Button
    Father, geek, gardner and grill guy
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THEM! Worst user experience I've ever had online... I tried for over two weeks to get the License Key from this organization. Nothing... This evening, after hearing nothing from them, I thought I'd try one more time. A search of my Gmail found the 'spam' email message they sent to me with a license key. After not seeing a response from them from a half dozen emails - I presumed they were out of business, scamming etc... Finally, I found the key. Super excited to go in and use it, I was excited to send them a thank you and let them know their emails are going to spam in Google. But guess what? It just wouldn't be the worst customer / user experience 'EVER' if the key worked right? You got it! They took the time to send me a spam email with an invalid key.. That's what my money bought! I can only presume they earned their 'spam' rating with Google just as they did this review from our organization. Does anyone have a suggestion on software that's to do the same thing but that's easy to purchase? Everyone that was able to actually get this software seemed to like it... But a quick search on the web and it turns out I'm not the only person having issues... They are probably out of business :/
    Danny Markov
    Software Developer
    3 reviews
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