Check the price automatically at over 30,000 retailers instantly when you visit any product. Know every retailer's price before choosing which to buy from. Important details like arrival date and estimated shipping cost are also shown, compare it all!
Genuity is a one-stop shop for companies to manage IT and buy business software. Companies use Genuity to keep track of all the company laptops, manage employee support requests, and buy software at wholesale prices.
Cross is a browser extension that helps you find the best possible price for any product on Amazon. Compare prices from all Amazon stores in your local currency(best region) and get notified with the best other seller price(best price).
Shopping Helper is a extension for your browser that helps you browse and compare prices of products from various online shops. Just select the desired product, run the extension and in sidebar find what you are looking for. FIND THE RIGHT PRICE!
Skap is an essential wardrobe app with a clean experience elevated by AI. With Skap you can sort out your wardrobe, create amazing looks, discover refreshing item matches, and plan your outfit. As with all the best things in life, Skap is free.
easyClothes allows you to organize your digital wardrobe and view it in a very simple way. Create amazing outfits with your clothes! Search for inspiration by browsing the websites of the brands you love and insert items directly into your wishlist!