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  • AdeptID

    One API to connect hidden talent to training and jobs
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    The community submitted 21 reviews to tell us what they like about AdeptID, what AdeptID can do better, and more.
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    21 Reviews
    Ewan Lamont
    Agri Biz Dev
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    Review of AdeptID
    This is really interesting. I can see an approach like this being pretty helpful to anticipate a candidate's fit for entirely 'new' roles based on novel tech, or company planning in anticipation of jobs that don't exist yet. i.e. a way to avoid ridiculous job descriptions that ask for 5 years' experience in a technology that has only been around for 2 years, but has already become the de facto tool for completing certain tasks. Bravo!
    Emma Radford
    Product Director at CMT
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    Review of AdeptID
    Solving the middle skilled mobility problem is important for the economy and our society but also for individual companies and training providers and middle skilled workers themselves. This is an amazing machine that helps those transitions and opens up mobility to millions of individuals.
    Millie Ness
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    Review of AdeptID
    I think it is interesting and important that you look at transferrable skills. In fact, I think that it is more important than superficial job titles. There are hard workers that don't get the spotlight they deserve because no one has pointed out how their skills may be applied elsewhere. Excited to follow AdeptID and see what great things they will do for the workforce!
    Hieronymus Felix
    Socio-economic-political focus
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    Review of AdeptID
    Talk about timely! Just yesterday morning, I read Debbie Lovich's Forbes' piece on how American corporate execs now find employees are seeking new levels of flexibility as they consider returning to the office. At the same time, the OECD, covering 32 countries and some 60% of global nominal GDP, is warning that automation-caused job loss is likely to hit hard, esp. among employees with lesser degrees. For execs and workers alike, that sounds like a perfect storm! The big question: how does the C-suite navigate these new pressures? One way will be to focus on their staff's input more closely than ever before. An equally important way will be to upgrade those inputs – and enhance them. Of course, for staff with solid skills (and potentially solid suggestions), but less than stellar college degrees, getting to give such input used to be the "Impossible Dream." Here comes AdeptID – right on cue! Matching skills learned with skills required, and doing it precisely enough to score the likelihood of any specific worker transition, will come as good news for execs – and, crucially, for the 80 million or so Americans who lack college degrees, but who have the skills or else the aptitude demonstrated in past performance to acquire those skills. Our "suits" and our training providers can generate a whole new talent pipeline strategy … and our workers get a personalized pathway. That takes the "impossible" out of the dream. And today's launch makes the dream itself a reality. For the initial partners of AdeptID have found that the AdeptID's API does, indeed, work. Good news, indeed! For smart execs and all-too-often unvalued staff, this could well be a win-win. And if that's not a democratic solution, maybe even an example of America setting a positive pace for all of us, what is?
    Jack Leach
    France-based wine import/exporter.
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    Review of AdeptID
    What a fantastic product. I have worked for years in the transportation, logistics and warehousing sectors and it is very difficult for companies to find talented and motivated folks and extremely difficult for middle skilled workers seeking their next opportunity to find direction for their next steps and a route forward. This looks to be a great solution linking skills and need and a big win for everyone involved. Great work, rooting for your success!
    Edwin Adhiprakasha
    e-commerce product search
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    Review of AdeptID
    Sorry, I'm not clear what it is that the product is trying to solve. Pretend that an employer writes a job post, the employer should know what skills are required for the job and the job post will/should list those key phrases. Applicants will/should list their list of skills as well and job site algorithm should be able to make good matches based on these. If for any reason the applicants "forgot" to list their relevant skills, this API will make a match based on other dimensions, but this will lead to the employer getting a list of recommended applicants whose profiles do not have the list of skills that the employer is looking for. How should the employer screen these recommended applicants then? Contact each one to verify that they indeed have the minimum skills required? Sorry, I can't quite figure out how this product helps the employer?
    Tammi Chen
    Product Designer @ AdeptID
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    Ryan Curry
    I like to build interesting tech
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    Henry Richards
    Growth investor and technophile
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    Review of AdeptID
    Winnie Tu
    Winnie Tu
    HU Student
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