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  • 3Dsimo Multipro

    The most multifunctional tool that can fit in your pocket
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    What do people think of 3Dsimo Multipro?

    The community submitted 18 reviews to tell us what they like about 3Dsimo Multipro, what 3Dsimo Multipro can do better, and more.
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    18 Reviews
    Violaine Fimbel
    french artistic company
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    My experience with the 3dsimo multipro is a desaster. Motor stopped working just after 3 days of normal use. Now it's been 10 days that the technical support is not even answering me. I received this product on 29th of October. Do not buy this product, it is not a reliable tool, and definitely not made for "non-stop work" as they say...indeed the machine litteraly died after less than 10 hours of use with standard pla filament. Here is my full review and experience in french : "Nous sommes une compagnie artistique impliquée dans la création 3D, et envisagions de nous équiper avec le 3DSIMO Multi Pro, après avoir vu les bonnes évaluations sur des sites tels que all3DP.com, le stylo était reconnu en tant que "meilleur stylo 3D pour artistes professionnels" . Je tiens à signaler qu'il est écrit sur la boîte du produit, et que l'entreprise vante un " ready for non-stop work" , "can adapt to any kind of plastic filament". Nous commandons et recevons donc le stylo. Au bout de trois jours d'une utilisation plus que standard (quelques heures à peine avec du filament pla basique), le moteur indique des faiblesses, fait un bruit de plus en plus inquietant et faiblit, le filament ne sort plus, ... puis force est de constater que l'extrudeur ne fonctionne plus du tout. Nous nous empressons de contacter le SAV, une personne nous répond le lendemain, nous affirmant que cela doit être le ventilateur. Nous envoyons une description détaillée pour prouver qu'il ne s'agit pas de cela. Réponse le lendemain ; "As you wrote yourself, there is a possibility that extruder (motor) can be faulty, you can try to test it by using the pen without the attachment. If you press “skip”, display doesn’t show anything but the extruder control is unlocked and you can use the buttons to move the filament. Try to hold or slow down the string with you hand, it should be “fighting” you and continue to push the filament, if you stop the string without any force or effort, then the extruder is most likely bad. You can absolutely send us a video of the pen in operation so we can see more clearly on what's going on." Nous avons renvoyé une vidéo, montrant que l'opération ne fonctionnait pas et que le moteur était bel et bien HS. Cela fait maintenant dix jours que nous attendons des nouvelles du SAV, nous avons demandé un remboursement ou l'envoi d'une pièce de remplacement. Nous n'avons aucune nouvelle, et sommes choqués du manque de sérieux de cette entreprise et surtout du manque de fiabilité de ses produits, supposés robustes et destinés à un usage professionnel. Il s'agit d'une publicité mensongère, ou plus directement d'une véritable arnaque. Une grande déception. Produit à fuir, devrait être signalé auprès de la communauté 3D comme non fiable, avec un SAV déplorable et des produits défectueux de base. Et si j'en crois les précédents témoignages et évaluations, nous sommes loin d'être les seuls à avoir eu une expérience désastreuse avec ces produits. "
    Francesca Marziani
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    È un prodotto straordinario. All-in-one, versatile, uno strumento indispensabile per i creativi. Io sono una insegnante di scuola e la utilizzo con i miei alunni. Sono entusiasti di sperimentare e realizzare oggetti frutto della loro creatività.
    Matt Lewis
    Here to review things
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    TLDR: It broke withing 5 minutes on the first day and the company hasn't responded to any support questions or emails and it's been a month now. I know they are active because they just updated the 3d simo site with a special offer. Scam artists! You're wayyyy better off buying even the chinese knockoffs. They work better than this nearly 200 dollar pile of junk. DO NOT BUY THIS! I MADE THE MISTAKE OF TRUSTING THE GOOD REVIEWS!!! I ordered the 3d Simo Pro Multitool because it was on several lists as a great pen and I saw some good reviews on it. I also saw bad review but considering 3d pens are fairly new to the market it seems that sometimes you will get a faulty pen. I figured, ok, worst case scenario I will have to have it serviced after some heavy use. Again this thing broke in 5 minutes. The motor sounds like a dying animal. Again do not buy this thing. After hours of research I found out that all across the world there are many others like me who got scammed by this same guy. People got theirs and it was missing pieces and then within 10 minutes it breaks.  It pops up first under search results because this guy is spending every last dollar on google promos to show up the very first no matter what way you type "3d pen" in. Look at every link and list that has 3d simo on it from google, it says promo. This dude is a scammer and his machine is crap.
    Steve White
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    Please do not buy this product! The pen that they are sending out today is a piece of junk. It does not work right out of the box, and the company refuses to respond to my emails. Check out the multitude of 1 star reviews on TrustPilot from people who have been scammed just like me. This pen is a good idea and that's about it. In reality it does not work and many, many people are being cheated. DON'T BUY THIS!
    Irena Paškevičová
    I love books and hiking
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    I like this product...especially the leather burning function! Ordinary leather boots can turn into something original and unique…that's just cool
    Kate N
    Kate N
    Let the community know what you do and w
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    A pen can work for a while, but then very quickly it it will break. They ask to send it back, but there is no replacement or refund.
    Jasper Peters
    consumer & hobbiest
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    Product failed, and support literally no longer replies. they approved a warranty replacement that never came, and now they refuse to respond via any contact methods. Essentially a scam, DO NOT BUY
    Amy Anderson
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    I purchased this product thinking it would be the best pen ever. I watched a few reviews before trying it because I found out that the company has a 14 day return policy with a full refund if product is not used. I later found a review stating that they had returned their pen with no refund at all. I was planning on returning the pen but I would rather keep it because if I return it and it gets "lost" then I'm out of the money I spent and without the faulty pen. I decided not to return it and just try it out myself. I was so excited when I first bought this pen but after one use it is not all that. It is a unique product but the 3d pen element is just terrible. Unless you want to deal with the risk of returns or sitting there all day just trying to print one line of pla/abs then purchase but I recommend not feeling disappointed in something that seemed to promise alot.
    Daniel Chien
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro
    This things it a junk broke after first use. Don't waste your money.
    Craig Slist
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of 3Dsimo Multipro