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Weekly Digest
Every Monday
Is this the next iPad? 👀
Is this the next iPad? 👀
Our favorite technologies are becoming more accessible. Years ago, stationary desktops were quickly replaced by plastic white MacBooks that took over college campuses and offices around the world.
Then came the iPad in 2010, and sleek devices replaced our beloved MacBook with data connections, Angry Birds, and an entire suite of productivity tools. Tim Cook famously runs Apple on the road from an iPad Pro and his iPhone. 🤯
HP just launched a new laptop-hybrid blend, the ENVY x2, as the next step in our never-ending march towards our phones:
😮 Insanely light, with the same touchscreen glass as your iPhone.
🔋 22 hour battery life. Yes, you read that correctly.
📡 4G LTE coverage, so no more awkwardly asking for the Wifi password.
It actually runs on the same Qualcomm chip that powers every flagship Android phone on the market today. Neato. Get yours today.
Today’s Daily Digest was crafted by Product Hunt and sponsored by our friends at Hewlett Packard. 😊
A year ago, we hit peak Stories. Insta took "inspiration" from Snap and Zuck started rolling Stories into every Facebook app. People theorized that Microsoft was going to add Stories to Excel. Wild times.

Creative makers took notice. On April 1st, a few long-time Product Hunt community members shared their latest creation...

"For a few years now Mike and I have been dreaming of this day. We've seen the trends, we've watched from the sidelines, always waiting for the right moment for our big release. Today, for no specific calendar related reason, we're launching Stories as a Service (SaaS for short)."

Stories as a Service made it easy to add Stories to your website with just one line of code. BUT, it wasn't real. 🙈

Fast forward to today, a new maker from Paris emerges to carry the Stories torch. This time, it's not a joke.

Try Cereals makes it super easy to create stories in your browser. It's actually quite brilliant. Use it to summarize the news (like our app, Sip), create a tutorial for new site visitors, or simply tell stories.

Give it a try and share your stories in the Product Hunt discussion. 😊
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Weekly Digest
Every Monday
THE curated list of the best in tech each week — the top 10 products of the week, the big headlines only, and emerging trends.