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Zuckerberg VS Bezos 🦄
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Zuckerberg VS Bezos 🦄
Zuckerberg is taking on Bezos. A battle of the unicorns. 🦄
Meet Facebook Gaming, a streaming platform for gamers to broadcast their best Fortnite dubs and League of Legends strategies.
Launched last Friday, it's a direct competitor of streaming giant Twitch, which Amazon acquired in 2014 for just under $1B. Twitch fans are fanatics: over 15 million log in every day to watch.
Not everybody is convinced Facebook is going to win:
"Gamers watch Twitch not only because the streamers they care about are there, but because they enjoy Twitch, period. Twitch as a platform managed to create a sense of community and belonging that I don't think other platforms can match, not even Facebook." – Thibaut Davoult
Will Facebook beat Twitch? Is Facebook actually competing for the loyal Twitch audience? Tell us what you think in the comments.

The world's first drone for human transport launched this weekend. Reviewed by Casey Neistat, funded by Google founder Sergey Brin. 🚁

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