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Apple’s newest product, built for the kids ✏️
Apple’s newest product, built for the kids ✏️
Yesterday, Apple rolled out their newest line of education products at Lane Tech High School in Chicago.

This focus isn't surprising: students who learn on Apple devices are more likely to stay within the Apple ecosystem as they grow up.

Tim Cook is playing catch-up: 30 million children use Google education apps like Gmail and Docs, and Google's browser-only Chromebook accounts for more than half the mobile devices shipped to schools.

Their big announcement of the day: a new 9.7" iPad, which includes:

✏️ Apple Pencil support so you can draw beautifully
🔋 10-hour battery life for late night Fortnite gaming
☁️ Free 200GB iCloud storage for students

It's normally $329, but students can buy it for a discount of $299. 👀

Apple also announced a complete redesign of their Microsoft Office clone iWork, and a new app called Schoolwork built specifically to help teachers assign work and track progress. No tree killing involved. 🌳

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