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BREAKING: Magic Leap Revealed 😎
BREAKING: Magic Leap Revealed 😎
Today Magic Leap, the super stealthy startup that raised nearly $2B in funding (!!!) just revealed its first product.

Founded in 2011, the Florida-based startup is developing augmented reality technology (although you won't see these words used anywhere on their website) to change the way humans interact with technology. The demo videos are stunning. 😳

Naturally, consumers are skeptical that Magic Leap can live up to the hype. Will it power the OASIS (Ready Player One reference for those confused) or become another Google Glass? We’ll find out in 2018 when the device ships.

In a more predictable surprise, the killer app for AR launched today. πŸ’¨
We’re back with another deal for makers and Mac-lovers which includes:

πŸ”Ό An app upvoted by more than 1,300
πŸ’Ύ Software that will free up hard drive space
πŸ–Œ An awesomely retro text graphic editor
πŸ–₯ And 5 more handy apps

Get it for 90% off with this bundle. Deal expires soon.
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