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Remote teams, try this 👀
Remote teams, try this 👀

Today’s Daily Digest was crafted by Product Hunt and sponsored by our friends at

Working with a remote team — whether it’s your usual setup or if you’re new to the WFH gig — can leave you with a calendar full of sync meetings, and little time for actual work. solves that. Your whole team can manage their workflows in one place, from time tracking in order to meet important deadlines, assigning project ownership, communicating easily, and automating manual work. All you have to do is check and you’ll be fully up to speed. 

A look inside‘s unique features: 

Keep projects moving from anywhere. With simple, code-free automations, you and your team can make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Automations put the boring stuff on autopilot to help you focus on your actual work. 

Let be your eyes and ears. Staying up to date on how your team is doing is even harder when you’re not together. Dashboards help you make smarter decisions, faster. You can gain easy insights into the activity of every aspect of your work, whether your team is sitting next to you or across the world. 

Connect your team with integrations. houses all of your most important data, workflows, and communications. But teams can also use a variety of different tools on the platform; workflows from other apps (there are over 50 integrations available) are easily funneled into your account, making your easy-to-access point of reference. 

To see how can refresh your work, get started here (there’s a 14-day free trial). 🎉


"A product designed for the times." 🏠

Dwellito Mini-Offices are small, prefabricated home offices that you set up *outside* your home. The design is bigger than a phone booth, and enough to fit a desk. It also ships under 8 weeks and costs under $10K (for the most basic version). 

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