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BREAKING: New app from HBO's Silicon Valley 🌭
BREAKING: New app from HBO's Silicon Valley 🌭
Last night Silicon Valley's Jian-Yang launched his new app, Not Hotdog, a disruptive app that uses AI and neural networks to identify hotdogs. Despite this impressive feat of technical brilliance, Jian-Yang wants nothing to do with it. Here's his comment on Product Hunt:

"It is very good and I don't want to work on it any more. You can hire someone else."

The real question: How long before Zuck adds hotdog recognition to Instagram? 🤔
Are you interested in cryptocurrencies/blockchain and would like Naval Ravikant to give you a product recommendation? 🤔 Ask here and he will answer.
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Weekly Digest
Every Monday
THE curated list of the best in tech each week — the top 10 products of the week, the big headlines only, and emerging trends.