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An actual competitor to Uber and Lyft
An actual competitor to Uber and Lyft

On the surface, it seems like the ride-sharing market is oversaturated. šŸš˜

There's already category leaders Uber and Lyft, as well as countless others ā€” Gett, Grab, Via, Didi, etc., etc.Ā 

The problem: These ride-sharing companies have the potential to create a monopoly, and ultimate raise the price of how much it costs to get you from point A to point B. šŸ¤”

Last week,Ā a new app called SoMo launchedĀ to combat this ā€” and ultimately give riders some freedom when it comes to getting around.Ā 

How it works: SoMo is a ā€œsocial transportā€ app that combines all modes of transport that areĀ notĀ a ride-hailing service. It allows people to create free rides (yes, free) through ā€œsocial circlesā€ around a specific destinations ā€” from sporting events to concerts to the daily commute. It's kind of like Uber meets Google Maps meets your neighborhood carpool.Ā 

Some responses from the community:Ā 

ā€œI love the idea of sharing rides with a network that I knowā€ - TalĀ 

ā€œOne of those things where you say 'why didnā€™t anyone think of this sooner?' Great App, great concept and a great solution. Iā€™m hooked.ā€Ā - GabbyĀ 

ā€œMy 12-year-old was SUPER excited about this app. And going to tell her friends about it. Which means that me and other moms are going to use it a lot.ā€Ā - InnaĀ 

SoMo will be available in 15 cities to start, including London, Athens, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Brussels, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Nice, Los Angeles, Helsinki, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Almere Stad, Haarlem, and the Hague. If you don't live in one of those places, don't worry. The app's makers (Here Technologies) plan to launch in 10 new cities every month.Ā 

We'll be watching where this goes ā€” but you have toĀ try it outĀ for yourself.


One day left to cast your upvotes for the Golden Kitty finalists! Winners announced Thursday January 17th. šŸ†

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