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Daily Digest
Monday through Friday
HubSpot's shiny new tool for your growth team πŸ†
HubSpot's shiny new tool for your growth team πŸ†
Selling products to businesses is difficult. Every business is organized differently, titles are confusing, and decision makers rarely step forward.

Building customer personas – research documents about your "ideal customer" – can help, but they're difficult to make and even harder to share internally.

HubSpot is here to help, with their new Make My Persona tool. It guides you through the process with leading questions, then generates a sharable doc highlighting important details about your audience. Launched last Friday with 1000+ upvotes as the #1 Product of the Day.

Give it a shot. The landing page is a beaut too. πŸ†

If you're building a startup, check out HubSpot for Startups, also recently upvoted to #1 product of the day with 750+ upvotes. You'll get a massive 90% discount on their marketing and CRM software to kick off your new product.

They've partnered with 1500+ startups out of Y Combinator, Techstars, 500 Startups, and more. Sign up today. πŸš€

Today’s Daily Digest was crafted by Product Hunt (we are HubSpot users!) and sponsored by our friends at HubSpot. Psst! They're hiring. 😊

Apply for hot jobs using... Snapchat stories? πŸ€”

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Daily Digest
Monday through Friday
For those with FOMO. Never miss a headline and be the first to spot the next big thing among the top 10 products each day.