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  • Your Remote Work Experience & Async Communication Use Cases

    Andrey Lipkovskiy
    1 reply
    Hello friends, In 2020, 2 weeks before the pandemic, my previous company forced us to switch to remote mode and it was quite painful for the whole team. I’ve been working as a product manager with two cross-functional teams with about 16 people and I was nuts about the time I spent on calls (x2 for two teams). The problem is no one explained how to deal with all this stuff, so I started looking for best practices. I knew there were guys who adopted remote-first mode and even had a guidance (Zapier, for example), but it was hard to implement their best practices immediately, so we began to struggle from zoom fatigue, burnouts, endless interruptions etc. Two years later we realized this affected lots of people all over the world and started our own startup to help people fight the problems I listed above with short async communication. We’re going to present our solution to the Product Hunt community early July, but I decided to get some insights so we can continuously empower it with real use cases. I’d appreciate if you could share your experience about switching to remote mode and highlight the pain points (I’m pretty sure they vary for different niches, and I don’t want to miss something important. If you use async communication inside your distributed team, please share the activities that can be easily turned into that kind of communication (replacing calls and online syncs with async communication). Getting real use cases and best practices from real market pros is gold! Appreciate your input


    Now there's everything you need to be really productive remotely. And you can even send your employees to work remotely without worrying about quality. All you have to do is install remote laptop tracking software. And you won't have any problems. I have Kickidler, not a bad thing