Would you pay to kickstart your SEO?

Ricardo Batista
6 replies
I am considering building the backend for https://getaiblogarticles.com/, which uses top LLMs to produce AI content. It can create internal linking as well, with my early results I got to increase traffic 50% week-on-week (together with some backlinks). Would love your opinion!


Ryan Zhang
Launching soon!
Absolutely, Ricardo. Investing in SEO from the start can significantly accelerate online visibility and long-term success.
Ryan Zhang
Launching soon!
Absolutely, investing in SEO from the outset can lay a solid foundation for organic growth, making it a wise decision for long-term success. Ricardo Batista's approach highlights the importance of prioritizing SEO early on to gain a competitive edge.
Maurizio Isendoorn
Looks like you got some ChatGPT engagement here😂
@maurizioisendoorn Can foresee the 'SEO specialist' hacking this post and voting unanimously for SEO and its benefits😃
Jaroslaw Pidburskyj 🇮🇹Ï🇺🇦SEO
No, do it yourself because you know what your inputting, an expert might use black hat methods but you feel the pinch later on