Would you pay a monthly subscription for a blue check on your social media profile?

Anoir Houmou
44 replies
Facebook and Instagram are testing selling users blue checks for $12 a month, what are your thoughts on that?


David Orlic
Seems like a lot of Instagram creators with audiences as small as 3,000 followers are experiencing issues with fake accounts (bots) impersonating them right now. For that user group, verification makes perfect sense.
I think they aren't useful on FB and IG so no, i wouldn't pay for it :)
Olatz Urrutia
I wouldn't pay for that...
Steve Hopkins
Feels like a clear copycat move from Meta, probably something they have thought about, but no one wanted to experiment such a change until Twitter did. I wouldn't - I don't think it adds any value - they seem to try and monetise features that you would want anyway from the platform - i.e. security from impersonation.
Richard Gao
No, does not seem to provide any return for what it's worth
Paul VanZandt
As a current state no - but if I was trying to really build a strong community on an app or needed increased credibility, I think it makes sense.
Varun Yadav
Its basically a psychological factor. Since historically people associate Blue tick with authenticity, now people are ready to pay subscription to get that.
Anoir Houmou
@breakthemyths the question is, will the blue tick lose its authenticity once it becomes so easily available?
@breakthemyths Really? What query do I need to use on Google to learn more about this?
Nilan Saha
For Twitter I will pay at some point but not right now. When I feel that I am getting much more value or making more money out of it I would pay.
Neil Roy
I'd probably pay for Twitter when I get more active there, but others don't make sense to me.
Simon Olson
It really depends on what other features are included. Just a blue chip vis a vis Twitter feels like a pass for me 😅
Jyoti Kanabar
This concept of paying for blue tick is harmful IMO. It should be earned is what i feel if we really want valid accounts to get these
Paul Hancock
It will be a cold day in hell. That's a hard "no" from me.
Elias Fares
It kinda of defeats the intended purpose of having a blue check. Unless the intended purpose has changed from "verified account" to "make the company more money".
Matthew McGarity
No. But let me know if you will — so I can unfollow you, make it less of a value-add, and get companies to quit this practice. :)
No, I think it would no longer be so credible
Lexi Bowman
If my reputation was at my desired level & the blue check pricing was reasonable, yes I would. Blue check helps to authenticate your platform is indeed yours
People will not pay (for a long-time subscription) just for a blue check.
No Not for meta I meen It would be like paying season tickets to go to the bar
No. Only worth it for people with a large public following like celebrities, journalists, politicians, tech CEOs, influencers, etc. Also, the price is too high. Approaching the cost of a streaming service subscription like Netflix.