Why Should You Build Your Own Personal Brand?

Mohamed Zakarya
7 replies
How do you feel about the idea of building your own personal brand? Have you ever considered it before, and if so, what motivated you to do so? If not, what do you think are the potential benefits or drawbacks of having a personal brand?


You want to build a strong personal brand because it will help you get recognized and possibly even promoted in the future. In your career, you will want to always be at the top of your game, and building a personal brand can help you stay there. For the rest of your life, you will want a strong brand to help you present yourself in the best possible way.
John Koo
@hamza_afzal_butt Absolutely agree! Building a strong personal brand is crucial for career success and long-term personal growth. It helps you stand out in a crowded market and presents you in the best light possible.
David Cagigas
We are living in a Content-led World. Building a personal can always be helpful in the long run and there's only upside to that.
John Koo
@edworking Absolutely agree! Creating a personal brand helps establish credibility and can lead to new opportunities. It's never too early or late to start building one.
Jyoti Kanabar
I am considering it now more and more as I see around, personal branding seems really important. It sets the tone for people around you who want to work with you. They can identify if their expectations align with your work or not.
Carter Michael
I think it's definitely the most interesting thing you can build (and valuable in the long term). For example, The Rock has WAY more followers and interest than any of the brands he's created and it'll probably stay that way for quite a while - perhaps always. This allows him to launch projects knowing people will probably back it because he's involved, and they buy into him.
Harley coates
when you step into an industry you strongly believe that you should have something for yourself as well to secure a future and for self-recognition.