Why Mondays are so important on Product Hunt? πŸ‘€

Artem Luko
18 replies


Sophiko Jeiranashvili
It sets the tone for the whole week.
because Monday is the start of the week, where you dive into work with renewed energy. According to statistics, enthusiasm tends to wane by Friday.
Mehdad Hossain
I did some digging and found an interesting article on Forbes that talks about the psychology behind Monday's motivation and why it can be a pivotal day for productivity. It might not directly answer our question about Mondays on Product Hunt, but it could provide some valuable insights.
Vincent Lonij
Are they? Does anyone have more information about this?
Josh B.
Important in what sense? I have seen products launching on Wednesdays and Thursdays getting high number of upvotes.
Christopher Nguyen
Are bosses checking out PH on Mondays? πŸ‘€
Karthik Tatikonda
Are you talking about launches?
Rustam Eldarov
Mondays are great for any fresh start you've planned. This also goes beyond PH.
Sandra Rivera
It applies to everything, including first days at work, not only Product Hunt.
Iya Mendoza
Mondays are pivotal on Product Hunt for Logomakerr.ai. We use them to unveil our AI-powered logo design solution, showcasing swift logo creation and comprehensive packages for just $29. It's our chance to connect with innovative thinkers who value effective branding. Stay tuned for our next Monday launch – revolutionizing logo design!
udhay yadav
i dont think so monday are important