Why Human-Centered Design is a Must For Startups

Users are more than just statistics and wallets; they're humans with diverse behaviors and psychology, and their needs and preferences can and will change with the slightest update in personal, social, moral, or ethnic values. The problem with big solutions, however, is they tend to overlook these small problems. They sacrifice sometimes very crucial user needs to expand use cases and possible future scalability issues. As a startup, you can make the most of this advantage over a big competitor if your product can solve these individual needs but also work for most (if not all) users. 1. Include real users from diverse backgrounds in the design process and actively listen for new feedback. 2. Focus and update research data to work with the core values of the product, not just general data that applies to anyone. 3. Understand your product from these different use cases to create the best experience. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/b...
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