Why did you build your product? & AMA

Treebel S
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I build Scenarios by Cuanto after interviewing 100s of people and because it's a tool I needed for 12 years! I was tired of seeing my stocks and other investments suddenly go up and down without knowing exactly why. After talking to friends, family, founders, financial advisor and even tech savvy investors I noticed that this is still a huge problem. News spreads or a new global event happens and the cycle starts again. Hours of research and still not entirely sure what had the most impact on my portfolio. Well now, that's all changed. Thanks to the groundbreaking AI, you can just search for events and see exactly 'why' and 'how' your portfolio was impacted. Have questions? AMA 😊 Share your story below, I can't wait to hear why you built, what you built. I would also love to have your upvote and feedback👇👇👇 https://www.producthunt.com/post...
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