Why did you break your PH streak? Only funny ones!

Raju Singh
30 replies
Let's have Monday fun time as we share our experiences with PH Streak. I will go first: I broke my streak to visit Mars with Elon🚀🚀


Lakshya Singh
Broke my 93 days streak! Was too busy having cake at my niece's birthday party😓
Ritesh Kumar Prasad
Getting back to Monday blues, recovering from sounds of crackers!!
Anish Sharma
Busy watching India vs .... match
@anishsharma haha, was it that exiting you couldn’t take your eyes off the tv?
George Aleesu
Too busy watching UCL matches.. really sad though 😂
Igor Lysenko
I broke the 70-day streak because I was on vacation with my family and didn’t have time to distract myself.
George Aleesu
@ixord Wow man! and now 52days streak?? Massive!!
Mansi Trivedi
I went to the mountains! Turns out having distance from people means no network what so ever!!
Sabaat Parasad
I just was a bussy so I did not open my PH account so next day I see that my streat are not availble know because I didnot please my activity yesterday
Fitz Dupuy
I broke my 350 days streaks due to India vs Pakistan match
Silvana Huanqui V.
I was testing a 'Nap Optimization' app to launch in Product Hunt and overslept.
George H
To clear my mind and get a fresh perspective later
Imran Razak
Because I didn’t want to leave any marks 😂
Vincent Xu
I love the idea of sharing our experiences with PH Streak! As for me, I broke my streak to attend a friend's wedding in Hawaii. It was totally worth it though! By the way, I noticed you're interested in launching a product soon. My advice would be to really focus on your target audience and their needs. Make sure you're solving a problem for them and providing value. And don't be afraid to ask for feedback along the way. Best of luck with your launch!