Why did I join Twitter even though I had no experience? It's not a choice but a necessity for -

4 replies
- indie makers, creators, freelancers, and startups. 1️⃣ My network has expanded significantly: ✨ Now, I can reach the right audience for my work. ✨ How? By checking their profiles, including their interests, jobs, and projects fast. (Used Hummin.io) 2️⃣ Every day, I engage on Twitter: I reply to others and follow their journey on Twitter. Then, we collaborate and let people know what I'm working on! 👍 Now, I can establish relationships with potential customers like this. 👍 Even if they are not my exact target audience, don't get discouraged! They can promote my product to their friends or unexpected individuals I may have missed. ⭐️ During this process, it's important to be patient and overcome any challenges! But if you're using our Hummin (Chrome extensions), you don't have to worry about that. ⭐️ Simply and conveniently browse through profiles to identify your target audience! It's a basic step to start your Twitter marketing ⭐️ I'm sure it works ⭐️Just give it a try, hummin on Twitter!


Karen Layrisse
Sold 😆 I've just downloaded the Hummin extension.
Max Yamp
I'll add the extension and give it a try! Thanks for the tips.
@yampolskymax Thank you, Max!! When you need support on launching day, please let me know :) I followed your product! 👍