Which social media platform is best for finding clients?

18 replies
I have experience only with twitter


Actually I met nice people on Twitter
Jerryton Surya
In India Meta and LinkedIn works
Karthik Tatikonda
B2B - LinkedIn & Twitter B2C - Instgram & Twitter
@karthik_tatikonda I haven't had any success with insta so far. Did you sell anything?
Nancy Nishi
I think LinkedIn ,Twitter and Insta
Ahmet Umut Günbak
Depends on your target audience. Linkedin is usually best for B2B businesses, but Instagram and Twitter works better for B2C products
Sonia Kost
Twitter works great, if you're working B2B you can also add LinkedIn and try making more connections on Polywork. It's not a social media platform but it's so helpful in this regard.
Algimantas Malakas
depends on where your niche customer at, but Meta can work for 99% if its DTC
Algimantas Malakas
@bikerbhutani pretty generic don't you think? "digital" says nothing about the product/avatar
Daniel Burns
Depends on your target audience. As we are a B2B, we heavily rely on LinkedIn We also tried Facebook, but it didn't really work out for us, which doesn't mean that it won't for you. So, it really heavily depends what your product is about and whom you are targeting.