Which one do you prefer to start your day with: shorther tasks or longer tasks?

Ezgi Aydın
26 replies
I usually start with smaller tasks so that I have more time on my hands to do the longer ones.


Software Guy (Aarvy)
I prefer longer tasks because I have more energy in the morning.
Janak Patel
Harder and important task
Jason Andries
I prefer to start with the longer tasks first because I'm still fresh and focused. My focus tends to go down as the day continues, especially in the early afternoon after lunch
Oscar Wehbe
I start with smaller tasks as a warm-up and then tackle a bigger one. The hardest part of doing work is starting so I try and make that as easy as possible.
Ezgi Aydın
@oscar_wehbe me too, also when I do the smaller ones first it feels like I accomplished a lot so it makes me feel motivated
Gökçen Öğütçü
I tend to start with smaller tasks. I like to clean up the mess first; checking off a few items in the mornings motivates me. And given I work with a team (like most of us) I prefer to unblock others if that's the case.
Andrea Todorova
For the first 30 min to 1 hour, I usually start with a few smaller tasks. Then I work on the more complicated ones. I guess checking off a few tasks gives me a sense of accomplishment and motivates me to move on to the much more complex issues. Plus I really need a warm-up while drinking my first cup of coffee :)
Csaba Zajdo
Short tasks are healthier since they allow us to plan our days and take breaks when needed. Longer tasks, on the other hand, can be overwhelming. They require too much effort from our brains and can cause stress, leaving little room for creativity and rest.
Rich Watson
short tasks bigger quantity, feels like more is getting done when starting the day like that
Steven Birchall
Try and tackle them based upon priority/importance. Sometimes you can be lucky and the most important are some of the easiest/quickest.
Robbert White
Short tasks Bcoz of it is healthier since they allow us to plan our days and take breaks when needed...Financial planning firm Money Accounts will assist you with all your investment planning.
Seth Nyame
I prefer dealing with shorter tasks first, to enable me to save time and energy to finish the longer one.